Posted: May 1, 2016
We’re excited to feature a new show in our Gallery Tasting Room that focuses on this great state we call home. “CALIFORNIA” is an exhibition of nineteen photographers working in the Golden State from 1880 to 2001. The images are open and viewable by the public in our tasting room.
Featured artists include Ansel Adams, Ruth Bernhard, Brad Cole, Imogen Cunningham, Rod Dresser, William Henry Jackson, Herb Ritts, Brett Weston, Edward Weston, and Minor White.
Featured photographs include: “Monolith, The Face of Half Dome” 1927 by Ansel Adams; “Two Leaves” 1953 by Ruth Bernhard; “Pool Study Number 49” 1989 by Brad Cole; “Magnolia Bud” 1920 by Imogen Cunningham; “Four Tall French Tulips, Carmel, CA” 2001 by Rod Dresser; “The Bridal Veil, Yosemite” 1885 by William Henry Jackson; “Rachel Holding Sphere, Hollywood” 1989 by Herb Ritts; “Bank of America Building, San Francisco” 1975 by Brett Weston; “Plaster Works, Los Angeles” 1925 by Edward Weston; and “Hand, San Francisco” 1950 by Minor White.